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A comprehensive introduction to peanut knowledge

Date:2018-06-27 16:53:46 Writer:Guanheng Oil

Introduction to peanut knowledge:

Peanuts are the seeds of leguminous plants. It is cultivated all over our country. The main varieties are common type, hummingwaist type, multiple grain type, pearl bean type, etc. Peanut seeds have long circle, long egg, short circle shape, light red.

Peanut nourishes and benefits, helps prolong life, so it is also called "long fruit" in folk, and is known as "plant meat" and "meat in vegetable" like soybeans. Peanuts nutritional value is higher than grain, with eggs, milk, meat and other animal food, it contains a lot of protein and fat, especially the high content of unsaturated fatty acid, very suitable for manufacturing various nutritious food.

Peanut nutrition analysis:

1. Peanut contains vitamin E and a certain amount of zinc, which can enhance memory, resist aging, delay brain decline, and moisturize skin.

Vitamin K in peanuts has a hemostatic effect. The hemostasis effect of peanut red is 50 times higher than that of peanut.

3. Unsaturated fatty acids in peanuts have the effect of reducing cholesterol and are used to help prevent arteriosclerosis, hypertension and coronary heart disease.

4. Peanuts contain a kind of biological active substances, resveratrol can prevention and treatment of tumor diseases, but also reduce platelet aggregation, the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, disease of heart head blood-vessel chemoprophylaxis agent;

5. Peanut fibrous tissue soluble fiber in the digestion and absorption by human body, will be like a sponge absorbing liquid and other substances, and then expand into tape with faeces, thus reduce the accumulation of harmful substances in the body and the toxic effect, reduce the chance of colon cancer tumors.

Peanut supplementary information:

1. Peanut mildew contains a large amount of aflatoxin, a carcinogen, so mildew peanuts should not be eaten;

2. After stir-frying or deep-frying, peanuts are hot and dry in nature and should not be eaten too much.

3. Peanut storage: USES the low temperature (20 ℃), the hypoxia method storage, in order to reduce the activity of enzyme. The specific method is: peanuts, dried first, after cooling, installed plastic bag sealed storage, wait and add 1 packet of Chinese prickly ash, aniseed, fennel, finally placed in dry and low temperature, ventilation, avoid light place can be stored for a long time.

Peanuts are suitable for people:

The average person can eat it

1. Suitable for people with poor nutrition, poor appetite and cough; Suitable for patients with beriberi; Suitable for women who lack postpartum milk; Suitable for people with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, and various bleeding disorders; Suitable for children, adolescents and the elderly, can improve the memory of children, help the elderly health;

2. Peanut is rich in grease and needs to consume more bile during digestion. Peanut can promote blood coagulation, promote the formation of blood clots, so people with high blood viscosity or thrombosis should not eat; People with cold and wet body and intestinal smooth defecation should not take food. It is not suitable for people with internal heat or heat to eat, because the flowers are naturally dry, which can make stomatitis, glossitis, herpes simplex of the lips, and nosebleed more serious and not healed for a long time. It is not suitable for people with injury from falling down, because there is a coagulation factor in peanuts, which can keep the blood stasis and aggravate the swelling.

Peanut diet therapy:

Flat sex, sweet taste; Enter the spleen and lung meridian.

Moisten lungs, stomach and spleen. Treatment of dry cough, nausea, swelling, foot gas, less breast milk, moistening lungs to reduce phlegm, nourishing and regulating qi, qingpharynx to stop cough.

Main treatment of malnutrition, food less body weak, dry cough less sputum, hemoptysis, epistaxis epistaxis, skin purple spot and other diseases.

Peanut food xiangke:

For the weak stomach, peanuts should not be eaten with cucumbers, crabs, or diarrhea.

Peanut practice guide:

1. Take raw food, Fried food, boiled food, or Fried soup;

2. For oil pressing or as a side food; Food and beverage industry for cooking or as a supplement;

3. Use peanuts together with red clothes and red dates to supplement deficiency and stop bleeding. It is most suitable for patients with weak bleeding.

4. In a lot of how to eat peanuts in eating stew is the best, both to avoid the damage signature of nutrients, but also has the tepid, palate moist, the characteristics of good bad, easy to digest, for young and old.